List of Publications
Rubyat J, Sara, Derek Coers, Charles Behrman, Jaron Bobay, and M. Subir*. Molecular Adsorption and Physicochemical Properties at Liquid/Liquid Nanoemulsion Soft Interfaces: Effect of Charge and Hydrophobicity. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 128, 12, 3004-3015, 2024. Available online March 18th, 2024.
(This material is based upon work supported by the ACS Petroleum Research Foundation under Grant No. 61829-UR5)
Philomena O. Olaniyan, Md-Masuduzzaman Nadim, and Mahamud Subir*. Detection and binding interactions of pharmaceutical contaminants using quartz crystal microbalance – Role of adsorbate structure and surface functional group on adsorption. Chemosphere. 2023, 311, 137075. Available online Nov. 3rd. 2022. 137075.
(This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1808468.)
Anna-Kay West, Lukas J. Kaylor, Mahamud Subir, and Sundeep Rayat*. Synthesis, Photophysical and Nonlinear Optical Properties of Push–Pull Tetrazoles. RSC Advances. 2022, 12, 22331-22341.
Giada Dalla Pozza, Danielle Deardorff, and Mahamud Subir*. Emerging Environmental Contaminants at the Air/Aqueous and Biological Soft Interfaces. Environmental Science: Advances. 2022, 1, 430-437.
(This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1808468.)
“Environmental Interfacial Spectroscopy,” Mahamud Subir, Yi Rao. ACS In Focus. April 14th 2022.
“This e-book is geared toward curious and inquisitive minds eager to learn how molecules behave at the thin layers of chemical interfaces. A beautiful world, rich in unique insights into the interfacial environmental processes, awaits.”
Lukas Kaylor, Paul Skelly, Mansour Alsarrani, and Mahamud Subir*. Enhanced Malachite Green Photolysis at the Colloidal-Aqueous Interface. Chemosphere, 2021 287, 131953. (This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1808468.)
Interactions of Emerging Contaminants with Model Colloidal Microplastics, C60 Fullerene, and Natural Organic Matter – Effect of Surface Functional Group and Adsorbate Properties. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts. 2020, 22, 1190-1200. (This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1808468. )
Daniel Headley, Ryan S. Young, Margaret Reece, and M. Subir*. Variation in Average Molecular Orientation of an Organic Anion at the Air-Aqueous Interface. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2018, 122 (9), 4945-4954.
C. B. Nelson, T. Zubkov, J. D. Adair and M. Subir*. A Synergistic Combination of Local Tight Binding Theory and Second Harmonic Generation Elucidating Surface Properties of ZnO Nanoparticles. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2017, 19, 29991-29997.
Tyler A. Williams, Jenny Lee, Cory A. Diemler, and M. Subir*. Magnetic vs. non-magnetic Colloids – A Comparative Adsorption Study to Quantify the Effect of Dye-Induced Aggregation on the Binding Affinity of an Organic Dye. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 2016, 481, 20-27.
P. A. Ariya*, M. Amyot, A. Dastoor, D. Deeds, A. Feinberg, G. Kos, A. Poulain, A. Ryjkov, K. Semeniuk, M. Subir and K. Toyota. Mercury Physicochemical and Biogeochemical Transformation in the Atmosphere and at Atmospheric Interfaces: A Review and Future Directions. Chemical Reviews. 2015, 115 (10), 3760-3802. Special Issue: 2015 Chemistry in Climate.
M. Subir*, N. Eltouny, and P. A. Ariya*. A Surface Second Harmonic Generation Investigation of Volatile Organic Compound Adsorption on a Liquid Mercury Surface. RSC Advances. 2015, 119, 5, pp 2630 – 2636.
C. B. Nelson, K. E. Shane, A. A. Al-Nossiff§, and M. Subir*. Optical Second Harmonic Generation from ZnO Nanofluids—A Tight Binding Approach in Determining Bulk χ(2). J. Phys. Chem. C. 2015, 119 (5), pp 2630 – 2636.
M. Subir, P. A. Ariya*, and Dastoor, A. P. A Review of the Sources of Uncertainties in Atmospheric Mercury Modeling I. Uncertainties in existing kinetic parameters – Fundamental Limitations and the Importance of Heterogeneous Chemistry. Atmospheric Environment, 2011, 45, 5664-5676.
Rao, Y., Subir, M., McArthur E. A., Turro, N. J., and Eisenthal K. B.*, Organic Ions at the Air/Water Interface. Chemical Physics Letter. 2009, 477, 241-244.
Subir, M., Liu, J., and Eisenthal, K. B.*, Protonation at the Aqueous Interface of Polymer Nanoparticles with Second Harmonic Generation. J. Phys. Chem. C. 2008, 112, 15809-15812
Liu, J., Subir, M., Nguyen, K., and Eisenthal, K. B.*, Second Harmonic Studies of Ions Crossing Liposome Membranes in Real Time. J. Phys. Chem. B. 2008, 112, 15263-15266
- Subir, M. Sara Rubyat, Derek Coers, Oluwamosope Fadayomi. “Molecular adsorption at soft interfaces – role of surface charge and aromaticity” American Chemical Society Meetings and Expos, Denver, CO. Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry. Basic Research in Colloids, Surfactants and Interfaces. August 18th 2024.
- Ikechukwu Kanu, Kalie Adams, Lilly Lewison, and M. Subir. “Experimental modeling of the role of microplastic composition on molecular adsorption” American Chemical Society Meetings and Expos, Denver, CO. Division of Environmental Chemistry, Micro & Nanoplastics in the Environment: Measurement & Modeling of Environmental Impact & Remediation. August 19th 2024.
- Subir, M. “Molecular Adsorption at Oil‐in‐Water Emulsion Interfaces: Effect of Charge and Hydrophobicity.” Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen, China. May 15th 2024 (Invited).
- Subir, M. “Equilibrium and Photochemical Processes at Polymeric and Soft Colloidal Interfaces.” International Symposium on Laser Spectroscopy and Photochemistry in Chemical, Biological, and Materials Research, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, China. May 12th 2024 (Invited).
- Subir, M. “Molecular Behavior at Liquid/Liquid and Solid/Liquid Colloidal Soft Interfaces.” American Chemical Society Meetings and Expos, San Francisco, CA. Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry. Session: Mentoring Undergraduate Surface Science Research. August 15th 2023 (Invited).
- Subir, M. “Pharmaceutical Contaminants at Colloidal and Aqueous Environmental Interfaces.” Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Session: (EN, PTC, SS) Interfacial Chemistry in the Environment. June 5th 2023 (Invited).
- Rubyat Sara, Derek Coers, Charles Behrman, Subir, M. “Adsorption at Oil‐in‐Water Emulsion Interfaces: Role of Surfactants and Molecular Charge.” Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Vancouver, B.C., Canada Session: (AN, PTC) Nanomaterials and Surfaces. June 8th 2023.
- Giada Dalla Pozza, Dani Deardorff, and Subir, M. “On the proclivity of pharmaceutical contaminants for the air/aqueous and biological interfaces.” 264th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Chicago, IL. August 22nd 2022.
- Subir, M. “Photolysis at the Nonreactive Soft Colloidal-Aqueous Interface.” 28th PhotoIUPAC, July 21st 2022. Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- Joelle Miller and Mahamud Subir. Effect of particle size on the affinity and adsorption kinetics of organic molecules from aqueous solution: An interfacial selective study. Local ACS Meeting, Think Like a Molecule (virtual), 2022.
- Zachary D. Lewis, Joelle Miller, Philomena Olaniyan, Subir M. Interactions of organic dyes and pharmaceutical contaminants with model natural organic matter and microplastic polymeric/aqueous interfaces: Effect of particle size and functional group. ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, March 21st, 2022 (Invited).
- Olaniyan, Philomena; Subir, Mahamud. Probing specific chemical interactions between emerging contaminants and surface functional groups using gravimetric and solvatochromic techniques. NOBCChE Virtual Conference, September 18th 2021.
- Subir, M., “Second harmonic generation investigation of organic contaminants at colloidal and planar interfaces.” 262nd ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Atlanta, G.A., United States, August 23rd, 2021 (Invited).
- Subir M., “Chemistry at the ‘World of Neglected Dimensions’”. Ball State University, Muncie IN. February 4th 2021. (Sabbatical Talk).
- Subir, M., “Emerging contaminants at natural and man-made surfaces.” 259th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Philadelphia, PA, United States, March 22-26, 2020 (SciMeetings).
- Subir, M., “I See Particles – Role of Colloids in the Fate and Transport of Environmental Contaminants” St. Mary’s College, Notre Dame, IN. April 12th 2019 (Invited).
- Subir, M., “Shedding light on colloidal surfaces: Exposing molecular behavior and chemical reactivity at the solid-liquid interface.” 254th National ACS Meeting, Washington DC. August 22nd 2017 (Invited).
- Daniel Headley, Ryan Young, Margaret Schmits, Milina Quiroz, and Subir, M. “Surface coverage dependent variation in molecular orientation of an organic anion at the air-aqueous interface.” 48th Central Regional Meeting, Dearborn, MI. July 9th 2017
- Ryan Young, Dan Headley, Maggie Schmits, Milina Quiroz, and Mahamud Subir “Orientation Analysis of p-nitrophenolate at Air-Aqueous Interface.” 132nd Indiana Academy of Science, Indianapolis, IN, March 25th 2017
- Subir, M. “Living on the Edge – Molecular Behavior and Chemical Reactivity at the Colloidal Solid-Liquid Interface” Department of Chemistry, Wright State University, February 24th 2017 (Invited).
- Tyler A. Williams, and Subir, M. Investigation of the Binding Affinity of Malachite Green on Magnetic Colloids using Surface Selective Spectroscopy, Ball State 21st Annual Student Symposium, Muncie, IN, April 8th 2015
- Tyler A. Williams, Jenny Lee, Cory A. Diemler, and Subir, M., Investigation of Magnetic Particles as a Remediation Tool for Organic Dyes in the Presence of Colloidal Aggregation, Indiana Academy of Science, Indianapolis, IN, March 26th 2016
- Daniel Headley, and Subir, M., Surface Properties of p-Nitrophenol and p-Nitrophenolate at the air-water interface as Investigated by Second Harmonic Generation Spectroscopy, Indiana Academy of Science, Indianapolis, IN, March 26th 2016
- Joseph Vogel, Amani A. Al-Nossiff, Lisa Dreier, Kevin Shane, Christopher Nelson, and Subir, M. “In situ spectroscopic characterization of an organic dye at the surface of TiO2 and ZnO nanoparticles dispersed in a liquid medium.” American Chemical Society 2015 SERMACS-SWRM, Memphis, TN. November 7th 2015.
- Subir, M. “In-Situ Probing of Molecular Adsorption at the Vapor-Liquid and Liquid-Nanoparticle Interface.” Butler University, November 7th 2014 (Invited).
- Subir, M. Nonlinear Spectroscopy in Probing Surface Chemistry: from Fundamentals to Environmental Applications. Environmental Science Lecture Series. Ball State University, Muncie, IN. January 28th 2014
- Subir, M. Let There Be Light, Let There Be Surfaces, Let the Two Interact -Probing Surface Chemistry Using Nonlinear Spectroscopy. Department of Physics and Astronomy and the Department of Chemistry, Ball State University, Muncie, IN. January 31st 2013 (Invited).
- Sara Rubyat, Derek Coers, and Subir, M. “Effect of Aromatic Surfactants and the Nature of the Oil Phase on Molecular Adsorption at Nanoemulsion Interfaces.” The American Chemical Society Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting, The Pennsylvania State University, PA, June 8th 2024.
- Jacob Ramer, and Subir, M. “Role of reactive oxygen species on photolysis of organic dyes adsorbed at colloidal/aqueous interface.” The American Chemical Society Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting, The Pennsylvania State University, PA, June 8th 2024.
- Ikechukwu Kanu, Jacob Brooks, and Subir, M. “Role of microplastic composition and surface charge properties on molecular adsorption strength.” The 139th Annual Indiana Academy of Science, Indianapolis, IN, March 16th 2024.
- Ikechukwu Kanu†, Joelle Miller†, and Subir, M. “Role of microplastic composition and surface properties on molecular adsorption.” ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Indianapolis, IN. March 29th 2023. PHYS Division.
- Rubyat Sara†, Derek A. Coers§, and Subir, M. “Deducing an adsorption affinity relationship between organic dyes and charged and neutral organic O/W nanoemulsions.” ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Indianapolis, IN. March 27th 2023. PHYS Division and Sci-Mix.
- Derek A. Coers, Rubyat Sara†, Joelle Miller, and Subir, M. “In situ adsorption kinetics of organic dyes onto soft interfaces – effect of particle size and surface composition.” 264th ACS National Meeting & Exposition*, Chicago, IL. August 21st 2022. COLL Division.
- Miller, Joelle, Lewis, Zachary, Subir, Mahamud “Effect of particle size on the affinity and adsorption kinetics of organic molecules from aqueous solution: An interfacial selective study” 262nd ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Atlanta, G.A., United States, August 22nd, 2021. COLL and SciMix.
- Olaniyan, Philomena, Mahamud Subir, “Elucidating specific chemical interactions between emerging contaminants and surface functional groups relevant to natural organic matter.” 262nd ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Atlanta, G.A., United States, August 25th, 2021. ENVR and SciMix.
- West, Anna-Kay; Kaylor, Lukas; Subir, Mahamud; Rayat, Sundeep. Push-pull tetrazoles: Synthesis and investigation of their photophysical and non-linear optical properties. 261st ACS National Meeting & Exposition. Virtual. April 5-16, 2021.
- Deardorff, Danielle; Dalla Pozza, Giada; Subir, Mahamud. Surface proclivity and interaction of emerging contaminants at the lipid monolayer membrane. ACS Indiana Think Like a Molecule Virtual Poster Session, April 14th 2020 (Video presentation posted by Dani).
- Stafford, Alexa; Schwenk, Shiloh; Amos, Tyler; Williams, Tyler A.; Subir, Mahamud. Revealing surface interactions between emerging pollutants and polymeric natural organic matter. ACS Indiana Think Like a Molecule Virtual Poster Session, April 14th 2020.
- Skelly, Paul; Alsarrani, Mansour; Lewis, Zachary; Kaylor, Lukas; Subir, Mahamud, Photolysis of organic dyes at the polymeric colloidal-aqueous interface. ACS Indiana Think Like a Molecule Virtual Poster Session, April 14th 2020 (Video presentation posted by Lukas).
- Deardorff, Danielle; Dalla Pozza, Giada; Subir, Mahamud. Surface proclivity and interaction of emerging contaminants at the lipid monolayer membrane. 259th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Philadelphia, PA, United States, March 22-26. ENVR-558. (SciMix, Posted on SciMeetings).
- Stafford, Alexa; Schwenk, Shiloh; Amos, Tyler; Williams, Tyler A.; Subir, Mahamud. Revealing surface interactions between emerging pollutants and polymeric natural organic matter. 259th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Philadelphia, PA, United States, March 22-26. Colloid-475. (Posted on SciMeetings).
- Skelly, Paul; Alsarrani, Mansour; Lewis, Zachary; Kaylor, Lukas; Subir, Mahamud, Photolysis of organic dyes at the polymeric colloidal-aqueous interface. 259th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Philadelphia, PA, United States, March 22-26. Colloid-293. (Posted on SciMeetings).
- Clare J. Walsh and M. Subir. Pharmaceuticals in Natural Water – Can They Be Removed Using Hydrophobic Surfaces? Ball State University Student Symposium, Muncie, IN, April 9th 2019.
- Clare J. Walsh, Giada Dall Pozza, Md-Masuduzzaman Nadim, and M. Subir. Role of Non-Covalent Interactions on the Transport and Fate of Pharmaceutical Contaminants in the Aquatic Environment. ACS National Meeting 2019, Orlando, FL. April 2nd 2019.
- Clare J. Walsh and M. Subir. Interactions of Pharmaceuticals with Hydrophobic Surfaces in the Aquatic Environment. American Chemical Society 2018 MWRM, Ames, IA. October 23rd 2018
- Nadim, Md-Masuduzzaman, Tyler A. Williams, and M. Subir. Detection and Adsorption of Emerging Contaminants on Model Natural Organic Matter Surface Using Quartz Crystal Microbalance. American Chemical Society 2018 MWRM, Ames, IA. October 22nd 2018
- Williams, T., Subir, M., Adsorption of Amlodipine and Carbamezapine at the Air-Water Interface and Onto Colloidal Surfaces Mimicking Natural Organic Matter, Think like a Molecule. IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN. April 17th 2018
- Giada Dalla Pozza, Tyler Williams, and Mahamud Subir. Adsorption of Pharmaceutical Contaminants at the Air-Aqueous and the Lipid Monolayer Interfaces. 133rd Indiana Academy of Science, Indianapolis, IN, March 24th 2018.
- Keith T. Murray, Tyler Williams, and Mahamud Subir. Interaction of Emerging Pollutants with Colloidal Natural Organic Matter, Ball State University. 133rd Indiana Academy of Science, Indianapolis, IN, March 24th 2018
- Williams, T., Subir, M., Adsorption of Amlodipine and Carbamezapine at the Air-Water Interface and Onto Colloidal Surfaces Mimicking Natural Organic Matter, 255th ACS National Conference, New Orleans, LA. March 19th 2018 (SciMix).
- Williams, T., Subir, M., Adsorption of Amlodipine and Carbamezapine at the Air-Water Interface and Onto Colloidal Surfaces Mimicking Natural Organic Matter, 255th ACS National Conference, New Orleans, LA. March 21st 2018 (Environmental Division).
- Ryan Young, Daniel Headley, Margaret Schmits, and Subir, M. “Photodegradation of p-nitrophenolate in solution phase and at the air-aqueous interface.” 48th Central Regional Meeting, Dearborn, MI. July 7th 2017
- Tyler Williams, and Subir, M. “Detection of Pharmaceuticals in Aqueous Solution – A Gravimetric Approach Using QCM Think like a Molecule. IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN. April 20th 2017
- Tyler Williams, and Subir, M. “Detection of Pharmaceuticals in Aqueous Solution – A Gravimetric Approach Using QCM.” Ball State University 22nd Student Symposium, Muncie, IN, March 21st 2017
- James D. Adair, Christopher B. Nelson, Tykhon Zubkov, and Mahamud Subir. “An Exploration of the Surface Contribution to Second Harmonic Generation in ZnO Nanofluids.” 132nd Indiana Academy of Science, Indianapolis, IN, March 25th 2017
- Mansour, Alsarrani, Tyler Williams, and M. Subir. “Photodegradation Studies of an Organic Contaminant at Colloidal-Aqueous Interface.” 132nd Indiana Academy of Science, Indianapolis, IN, March 25th 2017
- Tyler Williams, and M. Subir. “Detection of Industrial and Pharmaceutical Organics in Aqueous Solution – A Gravimetric Approach Using Quartz Crystal Microbalance” 132nd Indiana Academy of Science, Indianapolis, IN, March 25th 2017
- Maggie Schmits, Daniel Headley, and Subir, M., Photolysis of p-Nitrophnolate at the air-water interface as investigated by Second Harmonic Generation Spectroscopy, Indiana Academy of Science, Indianapolis, IN, March 26th 2016
- Jenny Lee, Tyler Williams, Cory Diemler, and Subir, M. Surface Study of the Efficiency of Malachite Green Removal using Magnetic Particles. Indiana Local American Chemical Society – Think like a Molecule. IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN. February 25th 2017
- Daniel Headley, Maggie Schmits, Joseph Vogel, Jenny Lee, M. Subir. Equilibrium and photo-kinetic properties of p-nitrophenolate at the air-water interface. American Chemical Society 2015 SERMACS-SWRM, Memphis, TN. November 4th 2015.
- Tyler A. Williams, Jenny Lee, Cory A. Diemler, M. Subir. Investigation of the binding affinity of malachite green on magnetic colloids using surface selective spectroscopy.” American Chemical Society 2015 SERMACS-SWRM, Memphis, TN. November 4th 2015.
- Vogel, J. T., and Subir, M. Exploring the Surface Interaction of an Organic Dye on TiO2 Nanoparticles using Laser Spectroscopy, Ball State 20th Annual Student Symposium, Muncie, IN, March 31st 2015
- Headley, D., Vogel, J., and Subir, M., Photodegradations and Surface Affinities of Phenol and p-Nitrophenol, Indiana Academy of Science, Indianapolis, IN, March 21st 2015
- Vogel, J. T., Al-Nossiff A. A., Dreier, L., and Subir, M., A Surface Spectroscopic Investigation of the Adsorption of Organic Dye onto TiO2 Nanoparticles, Indiana Academy of Science, Indianapolis, IN, March 21st 2015
- Diemler, C. A., Lee, J., Williams, A. T., and Subir, M., Temperature Dependent Adsorption of Organic Pollutant onto Magnetic Particles, Indiana Academy of Science, Indianapolis, IN, March 21st 2015
- Mahamud Subir, Amani A Al-Nossiff, Lisa Dreier. Spectroscopic investigation of the binding affinity of molecular dyes to metal oxide nanoparticles suspended in liquid medium Chemistry, 248th ACS National Conference, San Francisco, CA. August 10th 2014
- Al-Nossiff, A. A., Shane K., Nelson, C. B., Subir, M. Probing Adsorption of Molecular Dyes to ZnO Nanoparticles using Second Harmonic Generation Spectroscopy, PittCon Conference & Expo. Chicago, IL. March 3rd 2014
- Diemler, Cory A., Al-Nossiff, A. A., Subir, M. Determination of Removal Efficiency of Organic Pollutants by Magnetic Particles using Surface Selective Laser Spectroscopy, PittCon Conference & Expo. Chicago, IL. March 3rd 2014
- Toombs, E., Subir, M., Determination of Aqueous-Colloidal Interfacial Polarity using Surface Selective Second Harmonic Generation Spectroscopy, 246th ACS National Conference, Indianapolis, IN. September 8th 2013
- Toombs, E., Subir, M., Investigation of Particle Surface Polarity using Surface Selective Second Harmonic Generation Spectroscopy, Indiana Academy of Science, Indianapolis, IN, March 9th 2013
- Subir, M. Surface Selective Spectroscopy of Environmental Contaminants at the Air/Water Interface. Indiana Local American Chemical Society. Indianapolis, IN. October 23rd 2012